Friday, November 6, 2015

I bend, I don't break!

I'm sitting here in reflection exactly four years after my ex husband tried to take my life.

It was November 6, 2011. Funny, I have no recollection of the time though. Everything just happened so fast. One moment I was doing just as I am doing now, writing. However, the next few moments would find me defending the lives of my children and myself. 

I think it is interesting, though not by coincidence, that on the heels of such a life changing event, I find myself once again in a tumultuous situation regarding my child. I love how strategic God is in the way He works. His timing is everything. 

Here I am four years later, and I have a chance encounter with my former abuser in a tattoo shop of all places. I mean really? A tattoo shop! And on my birthday of all days? While I was getting the name of my newborn daughter branded on me? What's the likelihood? And of course, as one would hope against, but imagine nonetheless, he was belligerent. Calling me out of my name and trying to intimidate me with his belittling "Little Girl", and his puffed up chest and balled up fists. He picked up where he left off four years ago when his manipulation held me captive.

In that moment, I ignored him. I remembered my deliverance and I felt sad that he was still captive in the same place. I must admit, however, that I was shaken as all of the bad memories flooded me at once. The adrenaline powered me as I left that shop in a hurry slipping into another to escape the awkwardness of the situation. 

That evening I searched my soul for an answer. "Why would God allow me to see this man after all of these years?"
"And why in this condition?" I mean after all , I only have three of his children who he hasn't seen or asked about since 2011. "Why didn't he ask about them?" I couldn't understand it.  But finally,  in the gentle, calming, and gentlemanly way that God often reveals things,  He offered a response... "Trust Me." And just like that I knew.

I didn't see my ex to throw me into a panic, nor did I see him to see how stagnant he had become, but rather God allowed that encounter to strengthen me. God allowed me that meeting to remind me of where he had delivered me from. God used that moment, he presented my ex in his vulgar, threatening, and irrational  behavior, but I walked inches in front of him and he did not harm me. God did not allow me harm from what he had delivered me from. Instead in that moment God said, " Claudine if I delivered you from this, then there is not a single situation that is bigger than Me."
After that, I knew it was pertaining to things to come. 

Low and behold, weeks later, I receive insight that my newborn's father is taking me to court. A man that does nothing for our innocent baby, but hides behind the lie that I will not allow him the chance to visit with his child. And in that particular moment, when I felt tears of anger and feelings of rage building, I remembered the incident that occurred almost a month before and I found joy. 

I serve a God that already has this situation handled. Just like He delivered me exactly as life began to escape me in 2011, He will handle this situation as well. God sees all and knows all and I praise Him now more than ever for November 6, 2011. I praise Him for what He has done and what He will do. I am excited for my future. But, most of all I thank God for a bendable, but unbreakable spirit!